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Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)

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Earn Your MAEd Degree

Baldwin Wallace offers Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) options for current educators, initial licensure candidates and professionals in the public and private sectors to expand their professional credentials. Candidates will bring their professional practice to a new level, master the latest technologies and enhance leadership skills. Classes are offered in both the traditional seated format and online, depending on the program. Programs can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis.

BW also offers an initial teaching license or a license + master's.

MAEd Programs

Interested in a License or Endorsement?

BW offers the option to earn a license or endorsement without completing a master's degree. Learn more.


Want to Learn More?

Schedule a meeting with a BW admission counselor to learn how one of the BW MAEd programs can help you reach your career goals and fit your schedule.


Graduate & Professional Studies Admission

(440) 826-8012,

Department of Education

(440) 826-2166, (440) 826-3779 (fax)

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